Electrical Testing Services
Electrical Installation Condition Reports
It is now law that any property that is being let, has to have an up to date EICR. We already carry out these services for a number of letting companies, housing associations, private lets, and domestic clients. You’ll find our fixed rates very competitive. Our admin staff can programme works, for a large number of properties at no extra cost. We can issue the report & quote for any remedial works which maybe required.
Commercial clients also require for their duty of care of employees & also to satisfy their insurance company & possibly the local fire service. Need to have an up to date EICR, under normal circumstances every 5 years. (Dependant on building use)
Electrical Installation Services Ayrshire
We can offer our services to our building/electrical contractors as they may not have the qualified or experienced staff to carry out any Electrical Installation Certification which may be required.
Building Warrant Completion
Alpha has a certifier of construction within our business, who can sign of any works that require a building warrant through the local authority. Please note that we require to visit site before & during electrical installation to comply with the building regulations.
In-service Inspection & Testing of Appliances
We have a number of engineers qualified in PAT. Our service includes creating an inventory & carrying minor repairs during our visit.


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Credit Cards Accepted
Credit Cards accepted through Worldpay payments, email enquiries to enquiries@alphaec.com
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